VENDÉE CONCEPT is at your disposal for every comments or suggestion.
Vendée Concept SA
57 rue Alexander Fleming
Z.I. Sud Belle Place
85000 La Roche Sur Yon
SA au capital de 180 000 euros – RCS 382 454 056 – SIRET 382 454 056 00047
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In particular, they have to know that the informations must be for personal use only, that the screenshots to reconstituate or enrichment of a nominative database is against the french law and so is forbidden, as well as the use for commercial or advertising purposes.
According to the law n° 2004-801 from the 6 of august 2004 regarding the protection of private persons respecting the treatment of personal data modifying the law n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 , this site has been declared to the CNIL (déclaration n°1563069). Legal texts (available on the CNIL website : Law nº78-17 du 6 Janvier 1978, relative to the informatic, to files and to liberties, which told Informatic and Liberties.Declaration of the CNIL nº 81-94 du 21 of july 1981 adopting a recommendation relative to general measures of security of informatic systems. Law nº 88-19 du 5 of january 1988 relative to informatic fraud, told Law Godfrain.
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Also, VENDEE CONCEPT has requested in writing, the authorization to create links towards his website from the indicated servers : the informations stay the full and whole property of those servers and would not engage the responsability of the company in any manner.
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